Business Name

Last Name  First Name



St         Zip

Phone -- Cell Phone (Optional): --

Does your organization have a non-profit status?

(Y/N) If you're a concession vendor without a non-profit status, your booth will need to be inpsected by the board of health.

Does your organization have Insurance?

(Y/N) If you have insurance you will need to send a Certificate of Insurance with your Check.

E-Mail Address:

A valid e-mail address is required. We'll use this address to provide you with information related to the festival and your booth.

Number of Booths Requested:

(1 - 10)

Would you like to request that your booths are on Main Street? (Y/N) Please note that Main street booths are in high-demand. We cannot commit to providing one to you. This lets us know that you would like one if any are available.

Vendor Type:

COMMERCIAL CONCESSION VENDOR - A commercial vendor is a food vendor or attraction that is a business. Booth fee + Concessions add %15 of Gross
LV-COMMERCIAL CONCESSION VENDOR A is Low Volume Commerical vendor is one who sells goods that are not customized in any way by the vendor. Booth Fee + Concessions add %15 of Gross
NON-COMMERCIAL - A Non-Commercial vendor is one who produces the products themselves, or customizes the products in some manner Booth Fee + Concessions add %10 of Gross.

Product Type:

CRAFTS AND PRODUCE - Fresh produce and non-food items.
CONCESSION - Food items, rides, and attractions

Product Description

A detailed description of your products is needed for us to process your application. In addition, we'll have searches that will key off of this information and help drive customers directly to your booth. Please take the time to provide as much information as possible. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE DETAILS NOT RELATED TO YOUR PRODUCTS. THIS INFO IS VIEWED BY THE PUBLIC.

Vendor Created:

Last Updated:

By clicking SUBMIT APPPLICATION you acknowledge that you agree to our vendor details on vendor page, obtain and maintain liability insurance protecting yourself and the BMRC from liability to any customers, the public or other entity harmed by their product or appearance at the Festival.

Brushy Mountain Ruritan Club|P. O. Box 129|Moravian Falls NC 28654|Ph: 336-921-3499|
Copyright (C) 2024: Brushy Mountain Ruritan